At the outset, all submissions are evaluated for a ‘traditional publishing contract’, wherein the author bears no costs, and the Publisher covers all expenses for endorsement, publishing, and marketing. Nonetheless, it’s important to note that not all submissions can be accepted under these terms. Given the large volume of monthly submissions, we cannot guarantee which titles will be chosen for publication. However, we strive to provide advice to authors on how they can enhance their chances of being noticed and considered.
Throughout the years, we have solidified our position as a haven for best-selling fiction and nonfiction, constantly striving to discover exceptional talents.
The journey of getting noticed and published can be incredibly challenging and intricate. However, you don’t have to go through it alone. We are here to offer professional guidance every step of the way. Whether you’re a newcomer to the publishing world or an experienced author, our aim is to support you in achieving your writing aspirations and building a successful writing career. Don’t hesitate, submit your manuscript now!
Research agents in your genre with a successful track record. Personalize your query letter for each agent, addressing them by name and showing familiarity with their work. Avoid blanket submissions to multiple agents.
introduce yourself briefly, include a compelling one- or two-sentence hook for your manuscript, provide a brief plot summary, and mention relevant writing credentials. Follow the agent’s submission guidelines.
To stand out, edit and proofread your manuscript thoroughly. Seek feedback from beta readers or critique groups to enhance your work. A polished manuscript shows dedication and boosts your chances with agents.